An Insight into the Effective Usage of AR for Education and Learning

An Insight Into The Effective Usage Of AR For Education And Learning

AR in Education: A Futuristic Approach to Learning 

The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.” – Bill Gates

It’s not difficult to relate to what Mr. Bill Gates said. If you look two years back, you will understand how we all have adapted to technological changes and accepted them as part of our lives.

 evaluative essay help is most probably that sector that has transformed completely. Technology has covered almost all areas of education and has made notable changes. Today, augmented reality in education and learning is expected to make the sector even better.

A study found that AR/VR is expected to grow from $9.3 billion in 2018 to $19.6 billion in 2023. Let’s understand how AR can be used by different sectors for education and training.

6 Ways Various Sectors Can Use AR for Education and Learning

AR might sound exciting, but not if you don’t know how to use it. Adapting to technology is an important part of taking a step forward.

To that end, here’s a look into the best ways various sectors can use AR for education and learning:

  • AR and classroom education

Making classroom sessions interesting has always been a difficult job for teachers. The emergence of AR has helped them overcome the hurdles and create a connection with students. Teachers can explain subjects better using AR technology, making learning easy and interesting

Teachers can build AR apps to help students understand all subjects properly. Here are some examples:

  • QuiverVision-3D colouring app
  • Arloon chemistry
  • Elements 4D
  • AR and the space industry

Astronauts don’t jump into the spaceship all of a sudden. They have to learn the techniques before stepping into the field. Astronauts’ training activities include workouts and assignments done in a simulated space environment.

The space industry uses AR to make things easy for astronauts. It helps them reduce training costs and make the sessions easy and smooth. Here’s how it eases the learning experience of astronauts and engineers:

  • Assemble and build a space capsule faster
  • Maintain a space station
  • Explore the surface of planets by using real-time instructions projected through AR glasses
  • Read visual work instructions with AR-glasses, which eliminate the need to turn to paper manuals

It is not easy to implement new technologies if you don’t understand how to use them. AR will be beneficial for the space industry and must be used for proper training.

  • AR and medical education and training

Since healthcare is a risky field that involves people’s lives, it is essential to know the correct use of AR in healthcare and use them well to train medical professionals. Here’s an insight into the ways AR has helped revolutionise the healthcare industry:

  • Creating the human body to learn anatomy properly
  • Providing additional training opportunities with the help of simulations
  • Practising surgeries on virtual patients
  • AR-enabled training videos to help physicians learn about the latest tools and methods

Apps like the Human Anatomy Atlas, HoloAnatomy and Touch Surgery have helped medical professionals learn the subject.

  • AR and military training

Military training needs to be consistent. You cannot let your guards down at any time. So, training new techniques to army personnel and keeping them updated is essential. But is it possible to create such an environment and put armies into such situations every day? AR has made it possible.

This technology can create virtual situations and train soldiers to face and overcome challenges without pushing them into danger.

How will it benefit soldiers? Here’s how:

  • Providing safer training environments
  • Investing in less expensive combat training
  • Facilitating more accessed and engaging mission rehearsals
  • Rehearsing with customised terrain diversity

US Marines use Augmented Immersive Team Trainer (AITT) for better and more effective training for soldiers.

  • AR and manufacturing training

Manufacturing needs a proper understanding of the functionalities of various machinery. It is impossible to train each employee and make them adapt to changes. AR has made things easy and smooth for workers. They get instructions through AR and understand the right ways to use the machines to get the work on time.

In addition, manufacturing companies can let go of their eligibility criteria and hire employees with basic skills and knowledge. They can use AR to train them and make them able enough to know the nitty-gritty of the industry and machines.

This is how AR-enabled manufacturing training can help:

  • Bridging the skills gap
  • Decreasing errors
  • Maintenance
  • Timely assembly

Companies like Siemens have already started using AR to train their employees.

  • AR and retail

People working in the retail sector must have the relevant knowledge to do their work. AR helps retail companies to use risk-free real-life scenarios to train employees.

Let’s look at some areas where AR can make improvements:

  • Onboarding
  • Customer service
  • Product knowledge

Retail companies understand the significance of each and work on using the right technology to enable employees to handle all these aspects.

Final thoughts,

You have to understand the significance of technology in each sector and find the right elements to ensure that you do the work properly. Some might be apprehensive of the various technological changes at first and stick to the traditional methods. But will that make things better?

Your competitors will race ahead of you. AR has eased the process of education and learning. You must look into the advantages of using the technology and implement it properly for a better work environment and faster training process

a dissertation help expert associated with assignment help. He helps students overcome dissertation writing odds and get the best solution and the perfect grades. Lee is also a well-known blogger and writes about various things.

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